In my last period of my career I returned to my „Alma Mater”. I decided to teach, that I could share all of my experience with my students, the coming generation with the freshness of these experiences, which – I can state it – I have gathered during my long career as a singer. I have that thought, if I could do, why they weren’t able to reach similar successes.
The financial situation of the Music Academy isn’t bright now. In the desperate fight we need an extraordinary force concentration for surmounting the economical difficulties. The move because of the prospective complete renovation of the Music Academy, the relative scattering of the departments don’t make the life of the university’s community easier.
I would like to express my thanks to the financial assistance, so the monthly magazine of the Student Autonomy, the Figaro appears in the best time. This newspaper joins the students from different departments, it has an excellent service with wide information and it is a high-level, indispensable partner of the Academy’s on-line news agency. So a new forum of the students has been established, where they make their ideas, proposals and thoughts public beside their representation in the senate and last, but not least we, the teachers can get a line on the current atmosphere, reaction and attitude of the students. The magazine has to take on an important role in the motivation of the students, in the solutions of their private and common problems and in paying more attention to each other. Beside these tasks I think the purposive education has a primary importance. For example, and it couldn’t be emphasized enough: it reminds the students of the learning and the exams of such “not so important” subjects, without which the graduation is impossible.
I wish a lot of success in the realization of their ideas to the Figaro’s team.
On my part I can give it for the way.
Eva Marton
Head of the Singing and Opera Department
Franz Liszt Academy-University of Music