She received “My homeland” Prize in November and newly the “Prima Primissima” Prize. Next year the Franz Liszt Academy of Music organizes Eva Marton Singing Competition. The successes inspire further the opera diva.
Eva Marton says always the acknowledgement has led her further, but she has done everything for the acknowledgement. Diversity in her career, security and fidelity in her private life – with the help of these values she has been regarded as one of the greatest dramatic sopranos even now.
- You closed this year with notable results: you received “My homeland” Prize in November and newly the “Prima Primissima” Prize, next year the Franz Liszt Academy of Music organizes Eva Marton Singing Competition. So 2014 augurs well. Are you satisfied?
- The prizes and the singing competition are really great honors for me. In the last chapter of my career I returned to my Alma Mater, the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. I was invited to teaching all over the world, but for me it was important for me that I can give my knowledge, what I have gained during my career, to youngsters in my homeland. I regard it as a mission and because of I can’t live without dreams, I plan that I collect a group from among the most talented young singers, whom I would like to give a master class in the Franz Liszt Academy of Music.
- Why did you go abroad in the beginning of your career? Are there any political reasons in the background?
- This was aside from the politics. If I would totally simplify it, I went abroad because of a sentence of Erzsébet Házy: she told me why I waste my talent in the Hungarian State Opera, I should go abroad. In those days there were so many sopranos in my category, who sang the same roles. I was the 13th or the 14th. It was a difficult period. I felt there are so many limitations around me. When I went home and I sorrowfully told the first primadonna’s
words to my husband, he answered she was in right. Also previously we planned to move abroad, but it was the last impulsion.
- Well, the good luck is a very important factor…
- But the good luck isn’t enough. I think everybody has a possibility to be successful in his or her field, but many people let pass the opportunity or they haven’t enough willpower. To recognize the opportunity you have to know what your aim is with your talent. You need the necessary strength, sedulity, humility and honor. The success isn’t free.
- One of the key of the success is to remain ardent and intense towards own work. What was your motivation in this filed?
- The success. This is an inebriant thing and it gives very much strength. Everything what I have reached is in a great part due to the audience’s love. For an artist it’s very important to have an inward relationship with the audience, to be on the similar wavelength. In Buenos Aires signing the autographs took as long as the three-hour-long performance. These experiences give me strength. On the other hand I love singing very much and I think that the musical theatre is the top of the theatres.
- There are some rumors that the genre of opera is dying.
- It has been said since the 17th century, since Monteverdi wrote his first opera. In fact the opera is a complex art. The fine arts, the ballet, the acting, the music and the singing interweave in it into a miracle. This is the reason why it is a very expensive entertainment and many people fear for it, but I’m sure it will give so much pleasure to us for a long time.
- You sang in every important opera stage, you travelled around the world. Which is your favorite place where you lived?
- I was in numerous towns where I had contracts. I was attracted never by the place, but the experiences: the theatres, the audiences, the friends. Perhaps I can mention Barcelona because of the people. The Catalans are special, also it’s said we are spiritual relatives. But Budapest is the only place on the world where I have enjoyed the living. This is the city where the return is always pleasure. Since we left in 1972, I know, we would come back, but I didn’t surmise it came true in 2005. I often say I lived a luxury migrant life. The best place on the world always was a comfortable hotel, where I could relax and I could concentrate only on singing. The everyday life is very difficult beside the performances of evening. My fortune was that, my husband helped me very much. He did all in his power in favor of my career. Later he gave up his medical profession to be my manager. I had a bad conscience many times, I felt I didn’t deserve it. But he always said that when he sat among the audience and he see the experience what I generate, he is as pleased as me. I think he loves the music as much as me.
- Are you so similar to him?
- I often joke, we are similar, but I can’t operate and – thanks God – he can’t sing. On one occasion after an operation he invited me to the operating room. I had a wash and he gave me a replaced, totally devitalized small gut. I had to keep it until the scrub nurse measured its length. I thought, a small gut isn’t significant me. Only he is important for me. So, I was shattered, bit I didn’t reveal it. I would like to do my best to him. Of course, it happened when he paid attention to me. But since that time we have done everything for each other.
- How did you met?
- I had an appearance in a country, where I ate lamb stew. I could have a very bad indigestion and I was suffered so I went to the clinic of Rigó Street at night. He was on duty there. We talked for hours and hours than the following morning he visited my home. He forgot to ask a rendezvous. After two weeks he said I would be his wife.
- Are you always in right?
- Usually, but he always says the same about me, too.
- What is the secret that after 50 years you can talk about in this way that you have remained together.
- In a little while after our first meeting we had a blood pact. Of course, it was a playful thing at the time, but we take it seriously up to now. We often say this is our real union. On the other hand I admit we had a great desire and passion for each other.
- You were a beautiful woman and in the eighties you lived as a superstar. I think you had some temptations, too.
- It’s true. I have a boyish answer: I met a great deal of “good car”, but who has a Rolls-Royce at home, she isn’t impressed by the others. Zoltán taught me a lot of things. As a surgeon he has attended to me that I could go to the stage in the sufficient physical and sanitary condition. He has managed all of our family affairs even now, what I haven’t have any possibility. This is a true love and I have never could forget it.
- You are seventy years old this year. It isn’t visible.
- In fact, I have four grandchildren. Not to joke, it’s true and many people said it to me, it’s a pleasure for me, because from head to toe everything is original on me. I think it’s genetics and perhaps the other reason is that, I didn’t feel my life’s weight. There are many youngsters beside me and this inspires me. I don’t like to lose this drive.
- Have your children followed your sample? Do they deal with music?
- Our son, Zoltán is a cinematographer. He graduated as director in the University of Theatre and Film. Now he works as an advertizing specialist and occasionally he composes music. My daughter, Diana is also talented in music, but her real field is the drawing. Now she works also in the cinematography as a stylist in great productions. But I’m more proud of our familiar unity, which is perfect even now and they live very fine like us. My husband always said, when I worried that I have to believe, it’s a sufficient sample to see our attitude and our talking in favor of their right life.
- Did they come back to Hungary?
- Yes, like we planned it. We built a common house, “the Marton family house”. Every family has an own flour. We live together with our grandchildren, our dog, our cat etc., but everybody has an own life.
- Where do you celebrate the Christmas?
- Everybody celebrates Christmas Eve at home and the family joins at the first day of Christmas.
- What will you cook?
- Everybody cooks something: my daughter does soup, my son’s wife does stuffed cabbage and I do the jorum and the dessert. We had a beautiful year and it will be a great pleasure to celebrate it.
- Seen from without you are successful in everything in the life?
- It’s true up to now and perhaps because of that, I have never been rapacious. I have always professed that if I live honestly and assiduously, if I do everything by heart, I would reach the next worthy challenge. One after the other. It’s so logical like a magisterial chess party. To this it was necessary, that my husband is a very good chess player.
Erika Fábos